MacKillop Catholic College has a proud history of Sporting Excellence. Our Academy, which runs in conjunction with our College Sports program offers students real pathways into their chosen sport with the aim of producing excellent athletes.
The MacKillop Saints Academy offers four Academy sports; Basketball, Rugby League, Hockey & Rugby Union.
The academic year is divided into four focus periods for school sport, in line with the academic terms, providing unique, focused opportunities to train with qualified, experienced coaches.
Sign up for Saints academies here
For more information on MacKillop Catholic College Sports visit mackillopnt.catholic.edu.au/school-sports

Gym & Personal Training Membership
Our Gym Program will feature gym sessions focused on personalised strength and conditioning four afternoons a week. In 2020, male and female students from Years 10 – 12 will be eligible to take part in two one hour sessions per week. Students younger than Year 10 will require permission from parents, as well as an assessment from our Strength and Conditioning Coach. Training will take place Monday - Thursday, 3:15pm – 4:30pm. Students may participate in the gym programme even if not a member of one of the sports listed above. For those enrolled in the above listed sporting academies, it is highly recommended for best personal results that your gym membership and training be maintained all year round, and not just for the focus period of your sport.