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David Graham


The MacKillop Saints community would like to thank our Federal Member for Solomon, Mr. Luke Gosling OAM, for his generosity and leadership in securing funding for proper elevated grandstand seating for spectators at local Rugby fixtures. Thanks to the Stronger Communities Programme, a scheme which provides all 150 federal electorates with $150,000 to fund small capital projects and improve local community participation and infrastructure, MacKillop Catholic College now plays host to 4 large grandstands, which provide users a place to adequately view and enjoy footballing activities. With construction of the aluminium grandstand seating at the Rugby field now complete, the stands have proved to greatly assist the club’s ability to bring exciting events and opportunities to the Palmerston area, as well as expand our operations to provide further evidence for the building of quality facilities for the Northern Territory

The MacKillop Saints Sporting Association would like to thank the Australian Government for this vital funding and acknowledge the ongoing support of the ever energetic Member for Solomon, Mr. Luke Gosling OAM MP for his steadfast support of our community.


Federal Member for Solomon, Mr Luke Gosling OAM, MP joins MacKillop Catholic College students to enjoy the view from the newly aquired grandstand seating at MacKillop Catholic College!

Federal Member for Solomon, Mr Luke Gosling OAM, MP & Principal Lauretta Graham surveying the recent ground improvements.

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